Oh, hi there. I've been on a bit of a haitus. So, quick update to bring everyone up to speed.
Joey - Joey has become the school bully. He is regulary sent home from daycare with notes outlining his rambunctios behavior, which includes tackling his friends and pinning them to the ground until they cry.
Tyler - Tyler, almost two now, has started to insist on sitting on the potty at every diaper change. He loves guacamole, and is still not fight back when Joey takes his angst out on him.
Leah - Leah is now clapping her hands, but can't come straight across her midline, so it is a sort of side swiping hand clap that is so adorable you can't help but smile and laugh with her. She also plays peek-a-boo by putting the backs of her hands against her forehead right above her eyes. It is the silliest thing. She sits up unassisten, gets up on all fours and rocks, and now does a few challenging yoga positions...
Me - I have been very busy at work. Very busy at home. I have been on a self improvement kick which included spending my birthday money on new make up (yes, I realize that my birthday isn't for a couple weeks, but I figured that we have a lot people to buy for in March, so I should get my gift before we run out of money) I also was treated to a fabulous hair cut and color by my neighbor. Who is a fantastic stylist. I feel like a new woman.
And in general - we are planning for a triple baptism/birthday party coming up at the end of March. Yes, you got that right, we will be bapitizing all three kids followed by a birthday celebration. It is multi-tasking at it's best. We are still working dutifully on our master bathroom and basement projects. I think we may finish the bathroom within a year, which is great.
So, that is what has been happening in our lives. I am working on getting some great new pics uploaded, so more to come, but just wanted to say hello. See you soon!