Today, I got up a 4:18 to feed Leah. I went back to bed until 5:30, then she and I hung out on the couch and drank coffee until 6:15. I put her in the swing and got in the shower. Got out, dried my hair, applied makeup. Time to wake up Tyler (aka Mr. No). Tyler's first words were "no, no, no". Yes, this is a clearly a popular phrase in our house.
For example:
Joey: drawing on the kitchen floor with a sharpie
Mama: "No, no, no"
Tyler: Swimming in the Dog Bowl
Mama: No, no, no
Result of living with 3 kids under 2, "No, no, no" becomes your most common utterance and your second borns first words.
Anyway, I digress, back to how I do it. After Tyler is up and ready, we wake Joey, oh did I mention my husband, yeah he's showering while I blow dry. He usually dresses Joey, so while he's doing this, I finish getting Ty ready and put Leah in her carseat. Today, Leah is going to work with Daddy, so we pack a diaper bag, put coats on the kids and it's time to get out the door. It's 7:08. You heard me right, less than one hour from my shower to out the door. See this isn't so hard. Today, Scott drops off the kids, so we load them Hummer and off we go.
Work – I got in at 7:50. Not bad. Work, Meeting, Nest, Work. Chat with Scott, Chat with Mom. I know, I'm not a perfect employee, but I get my shit done and everyone seems happy, so whatever.
3:45 PM I'm outta here. Boss is out of the office and I am tired, time to cheat a little. Home by 4:15. Twenty five minutes at home without the boys. My husband, Leah and I chat, hang out.
Time to pick up the kids. This is usually an adventure. Joey has decided that he doesn't really like having two siblings and would just as soon stay at daycare than come home with Mama and Dada. Sooo, the wrestling match one begins. There have been days where it take three adults to get Joey into his car seat. He does this thing where he arches his back and flails about. Not fun. Today, not so bad. Just a few minutes of wiggles and down he went. We drive home. I read the daycare sheet.
Breakfast – Fried Egg Sandwich with Cheddar Cheese, Peach and Milk – I'm jealous
Lunch – Salami and Cheddar Sandwich on whole wheat, kidney beans, green beans, Milk, and Strawberries for dessert – Yum!
Snack – Banana and Graham Crackers
Naps – Ty took two, Joey one
Thanks Patty – you're the best! And I mean that!
It's 5:15, we need to kill some time, so we take the whole family over to grandma and grandpas for a quick visit. Great Grandma is there too. She loves to hold the baby, so that works. Scott heads outside to play with the kids. I'll have some vino please! Chat, catch up with Mom and Grandma. Dad heads out to talk deck building with Scott. Things are going great. At ten til 6 it's time to pack up and head home for dinner.
The chicken Scott took out of the freezer is still pretty frozen, so he is putting it in some water. The boys aren't going to be able to wait so I guess they are having grilled cheese. Joey is asking for the Bugs, which means that he wants to watch A Bug's Life, so I put it in and start cooking.
I always find it so funny when I read other mom blogs, and they post their gourmet recipes and pic of their masterpieces. So, here you go, this can be for all us regular moms, who are lucky enough just to manage putting a meal on the table and don’t have time for gourmet!

Boys are eating, I'm boiling water for pasta, the chicken is now thawed and the grill is warming up. All is well. Grilled chicken over whole-wheat farfalle (chilled with low fat ceaser dressing) for Scott and I.
Just as dinner is about ready, Leah is crying time for her to eat. I take a few bites of my meal standing up at the kitchen counter then head to the couch to feed her a bottle. The boys have lost interest in A Bugs Life and are now asking Scott for bites of his meal (Tyler) and drinks of his water (Joey)
Most nights clean up happens while the kids are still strapped into their respective seats, but since we didn't eat together, the dishes are sitting in the sink I suspect they will stay there until tomorrow.
It's totally a bath night and that is Dads specialty. But, despite my none to subtle hints about how stinky and dirty the kids are, he has not yet offered, so I guess it's my turn. Here is something quite amazing; I have never given my boys a bath in my own home. Scott has always done it. We have a very deep Jacuzzi tub and I have been pregnant and not able to bend into it. I have a portable baby tub that I put on the counter and used to bathe the kids, but they have recently out grown that, so I just haven't yet done the whole bath in the real tub thing, this should be good.
Scott usually does them together, but I am nervous about this so I take Joey first. Scott advises me that the best way to give the boys baths is to take off your pants and get in with them. Eh, okay, pants off, but Scott doesn't wear thong underwear. Uh, this is akward… Joey sits under the spout and won't stop turning the water on. He turns it on, I say no and turn it off, He turns it on, I say no and turn it off. He turns it on, I say no and turn it off this goes on for the entire time I am trying to wash his hair and body. So, here I am fighting with Joey in the bath tub, finally I lose it. Bath over. I scream for Scott to bring a towel. He comes in to find me standing in the tub holding a screaming crying Joey in my thong and a soaking wet shirt. This is not going well
Tyler's turn. I undress him, he gets in and immediately stands up. I tell him to sit and put him on his bottom. He stands up, I sit him down. He stands up, I sit him down. We are practically wrestling at this point. I am rubbing shampoo on his hair and body. Trying to rinse him off. I've had it, bath over for Tyler, but Joey is still screaming crying in his room with Scott. He is not happy about his bath being cut short and he is making sure we know about it. There is no one to bring me a towel. I grab a wiggly, wet Tyler and take him out of the bath, I get a towel from the linen closet. Tyler is now screaming crying, he is not happy about his short bath either. Both boys are screaming, tears are flowing no one is happy. The world is coming to an end, I am still wearing nothing but my shirt and a thong. This is not going well.
Somehow, Scott and I manage to get our respective children into pajamas, I manage to get some pants on and we meet back in the living room. It is 7:45. Almost bed time – thank you god. Joey is still a little mad about bath time. He is crying and whining. Ty is over it, I get down on the floor with him and start playing. Scott gets down too. We finally get Joey cheered up and laughing. Things are back to normal. Scott brings out puzzles, we play for a while, then Joey wants to read a few books.
It's time to put Ty down, but he's a bit wound up. I give him a bottle of milk. We snuggle on the couch and finally I put him to sleep. There are a couple ounces left of the milk, and Joey has had a rough night so I let him curl up with me and finish the bottle. Fifteen minutes later, we put him to bed.
The house is quiet. 5,4,3,2,1……….Whaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaa Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I have an infant. I grab Leah out of her bouncer chair and we snuggle on the couch for an hour. She falls asleep, I head to bed.
And this is how I did it today.
One thing that made my life easier today – American Cheese – special thanks to Kraft foods for inventing the most versatile food item in my kitchen.