How does one acquire such a collection of socks you ask? Well, it is really quite simple. As I do laundry, any sock that does not have a match in the load gets put in a pile, as I put away the clothes the pile of socks gets thrown into the drawer. About once a month I take the all the socks and try to match them up. If a sock goes 3 months with out a match, it is tossed. The lowest I have ever gotten my sock drawer to is about 10 socks. This ongoing battle haunts me daily. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get both socks from a pair into the same load of laundry on a consistent basis. These along with folding fitted sheets are some of the world's most profound mysteries in my mind. Anyway, I manage to find two pairs of socks and make a mental promise that this weekend I will tackle the sock drawer. The kids are dressed, Leah is in her seat, Scott is ready to go, we go to load the car and I ask myself at what point did I stop caring if my neighbors saw me in my stretched out tank top with no bra, sweat pants and killer bed head. I head back in to get ready for work.
Work – I NEED to find my focus here. I've officially been back for one solid week and I admit, I have probably been at about 50%. Granted I am still on short sleep and a little bitter about the crappy raise I got at my year-end review, but I need to turn it around. Tomorrow, I will make a list of things to do and commit to finishing at least 4 of them. Why not today you ask, well, because that is how I work. It generally takes me 24 hours minimum to psyche myself up to do something that I don't want to do. I will stay until 4:00 tonight, it's the least I can do after leaving early the past two days. Sigh.
Tonight my Mom is coming for dinner. I am making Turkey Burgers, Corn on the Cob and Carrots. No, potato/rice dish. This is a major leap for me. In my family, you always serve a main meat based dish, a starch and a vegetable. But, I am on a diet, and the carbs are out. Some may argue that I am serving corn, so that is my starch and there will be the bun (Arnolds Sandwich Flats – only 100 calories and tons of fiber). So, I guess I am making my transition slowly. My goal for dinner is lean and green: one piece of lean meat or fish and a large vegetable serving. Three days until my weigh in and I am way ahead of my 2 lb goal already, but the more I lose the better. I need to fit into some of my work clothes or I'm gonna have to shop and I'm not interested in adding anymore size 16 clothes to my wardrobe – tyvm.
While I prep and cook - Grandma played outside with the boys.

Dinner turned out great. Jalepenos and low fat swiss, tomato, avacado - yum!

Still need to address those Birth Announcements – Any volunteers?
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