I am alone.
Alone – this is not something that happens often, but when it does, it is magical. I found some clothes to wear – not an easy feat at 6 weeks post partum, I am still rocking quite a bump and have yet to lose all the baby weight. By baby weight, we are talking three pregnancies worth. Dieting is something that is very big in our house right now. We just decided to book a vacation for the second week in September. This is 19 weeks away and Scott and I are on a mission to lose 2 lbs a week between now and then. This is a aggressive goal, and we know that, so we are watching what we eat and trying to figure out how to squeeze some exercise in. Hopefully, you'll see this as you follow along and we can keep you posted on our weight loss journey. Anyway, our first weigh in was this past Monday and we are just half way through week one.
Anyway, back to being alone. I iron my clothes, take a long shower, dry my hair, put on make up all at a somewhat leisurely pace. 7:45 – time to go – I'm really late, but it was worth it.
Some things I need to get done today or this week, this month. I must schedule a hair appointment; my impending grayness is becoming quite apparent. I need to find a new dentist and schedule a cleaning. I must call and set up a payment plan for my remaining medical bills, send out Leah's birth announcements, and pick up her x-rays from the hospital.
Work – I get to work at 8:25. My boss is out again today and again I intend to take advantage of this situation. I will stay until 4, but that is it. I have a lot to do and will work diligently for at least 5 of the 8 hours. I am good enough at what I do, that working at this pace is usually good enough for me to out shine most of the people around me.
4:00 – I'm outta here! Pick up kids head home. Since I have plans tonight, I pre-make dinner for the boys, plate it out so that Scott can just serve and clean. Tonight – Ravioli and peas. This is the least I can do leaving him home alone with the knuckleheads.
I am going over to my friends Jordan and Erin's house. They just had their first baby boy. My friend Ked is also coming. I pick up a pizza on the way. I am bringing Leah; they will be meeting her for the first time too. We catch up, compare notes on our babies. On the way home, I swing by the hospital to pick up the X-Rays. One item crossed off my personal to do list.
I get home – All the lights are off. Joey is in the easy chair with a little bowl of popcorn and Tyler is sitting in Leah's bouncy seat. Finding Nemo is on. Joey says "Hi Mama". I love that little man. He is so grown up now. Another day is done.

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