Friday Scott and I played nine holes of golf, went to a fish fry then wee went out to a few of our favorite local taverns. My parents watched the kids overnight, so we even got to sleep in on Saturday until 8 o'clock! Woohoo! It was awesome. Saturday morning we picked the kids up at about 9 and hung out at my parents house for a bit. On the way home we decided that today we would go to the pool. We got home, put Ty down for a nap and I proceeded to start packing.
Towels (3) - check
Sand Toys – check
Sunscreen – check
Swim Diapers – check
Extra Swim diapers – check
Regular diapers – check
Swimsuits – check
PB and J Sandwiches – check
Chips – check
Sippy Cups – check
Bottle for Leah – check
Peapod tent for Leah - check
All of this fit nicely into two giant beach bags and one diaper bag. We were ready to go. Then I got to thinking, how will this work? How will 2 adults manage with 3 kids none of which can swim. And I quickly came to the realization that it doesn't work and minutes later I was on the phone asking grandma to please join us. And she did! It was so much fun. We each took turns watching Leah while the other two swam with the boys. Leah actually napped almost the entire time. It was perfect. So perfect in fact that the next day we went back again and we bought pool passes for the rest of the summer!
My only complaint about the pool was the absurd number of moms there who somehow could still manage to rock bikinis. It made me feel very bad about myself. But, on the flipside it has given me fresh motivation to get back in shape. Between seeing skinny moms at the pool and our vacation just 2 months away, I need to really get my butt in gear.
Okay – so let's talk fireworks. For the record, this is the single worst holiday for parents of small children. The constant firework, the dogs barking, the late night events – oh my god. Anyway, I was asleep by 8:30 on the fourth, not asleep but laying in bed listening to my dogs bark in response to every loud kaboom. Scott however, was determined to bring Joey out to see the fireworks. So, he hauled Joey to the school where they watched the fireworks from on top of his car. Scott said that Joey lost interest after about 20 seconds and spent the rest of the time playing with his phone. Oh well – maybe next year.
Not sure if the fireworks had anything to do with it, but JoJo was up for the rest of the night crying and whining. I brought him into our bed, where he agreed to go to sleep, but only if I left. So, I was exiled to the couch by my two year old. Nice.
And then Monday – nothing too crazy, Scott went golfing, I ran errands. I bought Leah a bunch of new clothes on sale at Gap Kids. That was fun.
I went a little crazy with the animal prints!
Leah's First Bikini
In the evening we decided to put up a tent and play camp in the back yard. It was a lot of fun and kept the boys entertained for a good hour.
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