Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the News Today

A couple of big things going on today. The house has passed a bill requiring Corporations to disclose when they are responsible for the purchase of ads used in political campaigns. I have mentioned before the Citizens United case and it's detrimental decision to declare corporations as persons having first amendment rights. This new bill, while not a perfect solution, is a step in the right direction. Republicans of course are trying to delay the senate vote and find a way to block the legislation.

They are not stupid; they realize that they have to most to gain from corporate sponsorship. They also understand that the people of this country will not be amused when at the end of all of the Republican Ads there is a voice over telling them that "This Ad was brought to you by BP in order to ensure a lift on the drilling moretoreum" or "This Ad brought to you by Goldman Sachs and paid for with TARP money" I on the other hand think that this is fabulous. I hope that it happens so that we can expose all politicians, not just Republicans, for the corporate shills that they are.

In other fun news, BP CEO Tony Hayward was reassigned to Russia. Yes, this really happened. I kind of thought it was a joke, because it reads a little like an Onion headline. But, yep, they are shipping him off to the tundra where hopefully he can "get his life back". I am sure BP figures that he will not be able to do too much more PR damage from a quaint little yurta in Siberia.

Anyway, we are having a crazy week as always. Scott and I decided on Sunday that this coming weekend would be perfect for us to have a garage sale. Tonight the kids will head to Grandma and Grandpa's so that we can wade through the mess that is our basement and decide finally what to do with all our stuff. I am so excited.

I am traumatized over the cluttered mess that our basement has become over the years, and yet there always seemed to be something more important to tackle. Or something more fun to do. So this will be great! Wish us luck.

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