First, he started dry-walling and he finished about half. Then he called an electrician, who came and finished about 75% of the wiring. Then we moved on to building a bar, which we finshed about 95% (priorities people!). Then, around 36.5 weeks into my pregnancy, I went in for my weekly appointment and ended up in Labor and Delivery. That night, I had to stay at the hospital and do some tests. The next morning, Scott came to see me and he had bad news.
The basement had flooded. I had bad news too, I didn't pass my tests and was going to have a c section later that day. Anyway, we spent the next, oh 18 months pondering what to do with this situation. We do a few things – clean the gutters, buy longer out spouts. See, we weren't positive where the leak was, so we didn't want to continue working on the basement if there was a chance this could happen again. So, we waited and watched, hoping for another flood that would indicate to us where the problem was. A full year went by with no water…So, I start nagging. Scccoottttt, when are we going to start working on the basement again. I think we are in the clear now!
Then this past spring, it finally happened, a huge storm came and finally our basement flooded. And finally, we were able to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. So now, we are finally able to go ahead and move forward with our plans.
I know what you are thinking….are these people total morons. Do they not know that you can just run a hose and try to figure out where the leak is that way? And, the answer is no, we are not stupid, we are lazy. And, we know it, so don't think you can go making us feel bad. We own our flaws.
So here we are 6 months later; because that is the approximate time it takes Scott mentally to prepare for any large project, and have resumed work on the basement.
Here's Proof:

Anyway, as anyone who knows Scott would assume, there is just no way he can do a project this size on his own. So, our neighbor, who is a carpenter, is helping. However, Bryan has some rules when it comes to helping out. He will only do it when his wife is working. So, that means that I have to watch their 4 year old daughter.
So, all day Saturday the boys work on the basement and I watch the kids. We had fun. We decided to build a house in the living room. Although Ty didn't really understand the concept. He was more into demolition than construction.

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