Anyway, all that to tell you how I started my weekend. I get home from work on Friday, Scott and I made dinner – filets on the grill with sautéed mushrooms, corn on the cob, and some take and bake bread. I messed up on the filets. I got to the store too late and the butcher had gone home for the night so I just asked for the two thickest ones. I didn't give it much thought, when I got home and took a look, turned out one of them was over half fat. I am so annoyed, basically, Scott and I end up splitting one filet, oh well. Next time I'll know better. After dinner, I am going to the hospital to see Grandma, but it was late and she was tired, so I only stay a few minutes, my mom and aunt were there, and they were heading up to Kaisers (favorite pizza place) for dinner. I decide to join them. Which works out great for me after my tiny dinner. Not so great for Scott though.
When I get home, Joey is still up. We hang out for a bit, then we all head to bed early.
We wake up Saturday morning and I make ham and cheese omelets with toast for the boys. I share with Tyler, Scott shares with Joey. Then we start packing for our first big outing of the day – my niece's soccer game. It was a 10 o'clock game and it was about 45 minutes away, so after breakfast I get the kids dressed, Scott packs the bag, we take turns showering then load, the cars and off we go.
I have to admit, Scott and I have become uber-efficient when it comes to getting out of the house. I mean sure, we have our times where we forget things, but I tell you, he and I can get ourselves and all three kids ready and out the door in less than an hour.
The soccer game was fun, as an ex soccer player, I really enjoy watching her play. Brings back memories. Makes me want to join an adult team. I should look into that. I bet I'd love it. Too bad I am so out of shape.
I took some pictures at the game. The boys were so good. They loved playing with the squirt bottles.
Leah slept through most of the game - but she was wearing the cutest little dress
After the game we head home for lunch and naps. Scott and his cousin Mark are going to the Cubs Sox game that night. I clean the house, work on laundry. Scott mows the lawn, power washes the kids outside toys, and cleans off the driveway. Around 3:00 Mark arrives. We all sit down and have a beer together. Then we start packing them a cooler for the train ride to the city. They took off at about 4:30.
I have my parents over for dinner. My mom is making us shrimp cocktail, salads and ciabatta bread. This sounds fantastic to me and I can't wait! They arrive at 5:30, we open a bottle of wine. Joey is demanding that we watch Toy Story for about the 118th time this weekend. I'm okay with it, mostly because I like the movie and he barely watches it. My parents have never seen it, so they are enjoying the show too. That Mr. Potato Head is such a hoot. Anyway, we have a lovely evening and by the time my parents leave, I have two kids in bed and it's just Joey and I. We read some books, watch Thomas the Train and then he heads off to bed.
I stay up and look for a movie to watch. I stumble across the movie Requiem for a Dream. Have you seen this?? I swear this movie is like the best "Don't do Drug's" ad campaign ever. I think I shall make my teenage children watch it every other week just to remind them the potential outcome of experimental drug use. Holy cow, this is one depressing film.
Okay – I'm going to cut this recap short, because Sunday was pretty slow. We did venture out to Algonquin, IL for a party at Scott's Aunt and Uncle's house, but I didn't get any pics and honestly it was totally hard and exhausting , then we just did yard work and hung around the house. I'll spare you the details.
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