There is no GPS, for life. You have only your intuition and vague guidance that comes from differing sources who each have their own agenda and opinions.
I feel a little bit lost right now, like maybe I took a wrong turn somewhere and I need to find my way back. It's nothing major, just a few things that aren't working out the way I had planned. A few things that have gotten away from me. I just need to refocus, reenergize and regroup.
Anyway, on to more exciting topics – last weekend we went to Bloomington to celebrate my nieces SIXTH birthday. I can't believe how grown up she is. She is so sweet and gorgeous. It is so cliché, but time really does fly and they really do grow up fast.
My brother and sister in law recently bought a new house and I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am more than just a little jealous. Their new place is like the ultimate family home and I am so happy for them. I hope that someday Scott and I will be able to get out of our little house and into something more spacious. Unfortunately, we live in an expensive town and houses are really unaffordable here. We also live in one of the best school districts in the state and they have an amazing early intervention and special education program, so now with Leah in the mix, walking away from that would be really hard to do.
While we were in Bloomington, we went and watched little Ashley riding a BIG horse. It was hotter than hell, and the barns smelled like, well shit. Plus, I dropped Joey's sippy cup in some manure and managed to get shit all over my hands. I wanted to take a bath in Purell before I left, but it was fun to watch her and I think she got a kick out of having an audience. That said, if none of my kids ever show interest in horseback riding, I do not think I'd be too disappointed.
Here are some pics of our day at the barns. Fun times.
Ashley on her horse:

Random Horse Pic:

This is Joey's Blue Steel Look:

Ty spent most of the time running away from us and being dragged back:

And yes, the kid loves some corn on the cob:

Sundays highlights included a kick ass breakfast:

A Ham dinner - I didn't capture this fine meal, but I'll recap - The beans were undercooked, the spinach salad sat too long and was wilted and watery. The ham was scrumptious, and my mom makes the best mashed potatoes in the world.
Other than that we cleaned, did laundry, and tried to psyche ourselves up for the week ahead. Well, it's Thursday already and I feel like a blog failure, but there you have it. My weekend review. I'll probably post a bunch of randomness in the next 24 hours to catch up on my week, but then again maybe I won't. I've been feeling all kinds of unmotivated lately.
Okay - last few pics and I'm out!

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