There was a time, and it actually wasn't that long ago, that I was in good physical shape and had a wardrobe that was, well – amazing. While I was pregnant with Leah, I had a little sit down with my self and decided that it was time to come to grips with the fact that I may never be a size 4 again. It was time to purge myself of the boxes of clothes that sat in the basement taunting me.
I was left with my transitional wardrobe, which consisted mostly of Eddie Bauer Chinos and Extra Large blouses that I bought off the clearance rack "just to get me by, just until I lost the weight". Yesterday, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. There I stood in faded brown cotton trousers that were frayed around the ankles, a brown tank, and an oversized short-sleeved sweater that gathered just below the bust leaving me looking around 4 months pregnant from the side. I hadn't dried my hair and it looked horrible. I wasn't wearing any make-up. The only redeeming quality of my entire look was the cute Sofft heals that I had bought on clearance at Macy's earlier in the season. I looked a hot mess. What happened to that cute stylish girl? Where did she go?
So, I decided, I am not going to let my size be what determines my sense of style. I deserve to wear cute clothes just as much as that bitchy size 2 sales clerk that looked me up and down as she put my items in the fitting room. So, today, I am buying a cute pair of boots, they will be the cornerstone of my new fall/winter wardrobe, which I will start to develop now. One piece a week.
I also made a vow that I will get up five minutes earlier and dry my hair and wear some make up. I am not going to let myself look like a frumpy mom.
I am eyeing these boots as my first purchase. I love the grey. I am sure that black would be more practical, but I like to go against the grain a little.

So, this morning, I woke up, I dried and styled my hair. I put on blush, eye shadow and mascara. With an extra boost of confidence, I headed for the door. Where I am greeted by a massive down pour. So, here I sit today, my hair a mess, but at least I have make up on!
Today I will call to make an appointment for a haircut and highlights. I will be cute again, damn it, I will!
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