1.) A study was published linking ADHD with pesticides.
2.) This topic was discussed on The Bump
3.) A Whole Foods opened just seconds away from my work
And then I became very curious. Should I be buying organic? How much does it really cost to switch to a primarily organic diet? I concentrated on what I now know to be called "The Dirty Dozen" of produce, milk, beef and poultry. I was first made aware of this list of high pesticide content fruits and vegetables through the bump post I referred to above. I took it to Google to get the complete list. I found this great article
"Organic Food – Is it Worth the Extra Money" from MSNBC.
This article cited organic foods as costing as much as 100% more than non-organic. Which immediately turned me off, I could never afford to double my grocery bill.
But something about that figure didn't sit right with me. One hundred percent more? And people are buying this? I had to see it for myself. So, I decided that I needed to do some homework. I went undercover to find out the true cost of going organic. Okay, I didn't really go undercover, I just brought a notebook to the stores and wrote down the prices, I was totally obvious about it, and I got a few raised eyebrows and was even asked by a Dominick's employee if I was from Whole Foods. LOL – it was kind of fun.
Here's what I found:

Amazingly, going organic really isn't that much more expensive. Especially if you focus on the fruits and vegetables that are said to have the highest content of pesticides and buy meats in bulk.
Where they really seem to get you is the meat and milk, but if you opt for hormone free, rather than organic milk, and limit your steak intake it really is quite reasonable to go organic. And what could be the cost of not going organic? There are so many unknowns. So much speculation and fear, do pesticides and hormones cause ADHD? Early Menstruation? I don't know for sure. But for less than $6.50 per unit, I am not willing to continue taking the chance.
Everyone wants to know this...thanks for doing the dirty work girl! I am going to make a better effort, I am so old school on food etc.