Everyone is ready to go at 6:55. Today Leah is going to my Mom and Dad's house, so I'll drop her off. Scott is taking the boys. I get to my mom's just after 7. It's a beautiful morning and it would be a shame if I didn’t take a second to enjoy it, right? So, we fix Leah a bottle, I fix myself a coffee and my Mom, Leah and I head out to the deck and relax for a while. Thirty minutes later, I decide against my greater will, that I really must head to the office. So, off I go.
8:15 – I roll into the office. Today I am going to make that list and get some things done. And I do! I finish writing a couple documents that I started earlier this week and create and action plan for next week. I'm feeling pretty good! Right before I leave I get this photo in an email from Scott. Subject Line:
I am just soooo darn cute in my dress

I smile the whole ride home
Tonight Scott is going golfing and then out for the night with some friends. I am taking the kids over to my parent's house.
I leave work at 3:30 – I am so unmotivated it is ridiculous. I stop at home to pack the kids pjs and throw a load of laundry in. Then off to Patty's house to pick up the boys, Scott dropped Leah off at my parents before golf. We get to my parents house around 5:15. It's time to play! It's really windy out but the weather is nice. Humid though, a storm is on its way in. The boys play in the yard, Leah is content in the bouncy chair, I am content with a glass of wine. Life is good.

With respect for my diet, my parents are making grilled halibut with salads and "fresh" take and bake rolls. Delicious.

After dinner, the boys go WILD. Seriously, I do not know what got into them, but Joey is tackling Tyler at every turn and toys are flying everywhere. I am sweating trying to keep up with them. The plan was a sleepover, but plans changed. I am exhausted and want to go home. I pack up Joey and the baby and off we go. Tyler stays at Grandma and Grandpas. He could use some time to himself, to recover. We get home, I get Joey to bed, give Leah a bottle, and head to bed. Scott gets home an hour later with a sausage and pepperoni pizza from Kaisers – I love him, I hate him. I'm too tired to care about my diet. I have two pieces and head back to bed. Leah wakes up an hour later, I wake up feed her a bottle and go back to bed. Leah wakes up three hours later, I wake up feed her and go back to bed. She wakes up an hour later. I give Scott a swift elbow to the ribs, roll over and go back to bed.

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